North Powder, Oregon made out fine until the icehouse burned down back in the thirties.

Blocks of ice were loaded onto Pacific Fruit Express refrigerator cars.

Then everything began to break.  The whole town caved in on itself like an assumption embraced without consideration.

And not just in North Powder, Oregon.

Scoundrels exploiting the west figured out how to silence scientists.

They paid good money to lawyers and lobbyists.  They hoped to neuter citizens who banged on bureaucrats’ doors demanding protection for the BLM land.

The scoundrels tore out timber.  They bought water for pennies on the dollar from taxpayers and then poisoned the land with massive hydraulic fracking.

They furnished their offices with elegant armoires of deceit, stuffed with copies of legal briefs to hamstring opponents.

They didn’t care about the land and they didn’t care about history.

They paid no attention to the little town in Oregon, where Pacific Fruit Express refrigerator cars used to roll through until the icehouse burned down.