Clives Corners, New Mexico shook off a century of ingrained resentments.

Dorothy decided to step into a life, at least for a while, where precision didn’t matter.

She wanted her usual attention to detail deliberately displaced.

This focus was so extreme she was able to slow everything down.  The velocity of objects all but came to a halt.  Her scientist’s concentration would evaporate the usual blur of motion.

It was as if she could coax a world standing still to reveal itself for the first time.

Dorothy had her fill of this.  She decided to bypass the unabashed truth which emerged after all the coats of varnish had been wiped away.

What she now sought was a world where her scientific ways were set aside, a world  which did not stand still.  She would not measure and she would not even consider creating a hypothesis.

This would be difficult and she didn’t know how long she could keep it up.

And so, for now, she would step back from this world and simply live.

In Clives Corners, New Mexico, just east of the historical marker, observation and measurement were tossed out onto the passing lane on Interstate 40.