The eucalyptus tree along Bel Air Road flutters in the soft wind that curls down from the hills.

This is a modest tree.  A slender eucalyptus, not nearly as theatrical as the ones found in Griffith Park.

It stops short of drama.  Branches don’t soar high enough for its leaves to form staggered canopies.  Lean limbs of the eucalyptus tree along Bel Air Road tilt away from a century of prevailing winds.

It is sheathed in silver bark that can’t help but glow.  When it catches the first shafts of morning sun, peeling patches of brittle bark shine like the silver chests of the conquistadors.

For all its modesty, this is a fine tree, full of delicacy and grace.

At daybreak, they found the restaurant manager hanging from the long limb of the eucalyptus tree that arched over Bel Air Road.