Mancos, Colorado stacked cordwood and readied for winter.

Some of the old men around Montezuma County began to put on extra layers of anger, determined to stay warm.

They felt the chill of the change.  They reeled off all the ways they were boxed in and how their lives had grown unrecognizable.

The old men who had put on extra layers of anger took perverse pride in admitting they were worn down.  They had no interest in alternatives to fossil fuels or in anything else that might force them down an unwelcome and unfamiliar path.

They’d had enough.  Look at what happened to Palm Springs.  You couldn’t go there anymore.

The chill of change gripped them now.  There was no letting go.  Things that mattered once mattered no more.

That’s just how it was in Mancos, Colorado and a lot of other places.