Baker, Montana wonders what happened to all the people the railroad brought in.

It’s been more than a century now.  All those hopeful, hardworking immigrants swindled by railroad lies.

It was too late when they found the land didn’t live up to its billing.

So they left.  They were lied to and the land they were lured to was worthless and cruel.

And now, a new batch of lies spread out across Montana and America, the enthusiastic lies of fracking.

Down in the Santa Monica Mountains, hidden from the county sheriff, Dorothy told them a bit of what she knew of from her days as a geological engineer.

“When I think about massive hydraulic fracking, when I picture the drilling site, it’s like when you have a song you don’t like stuck in your head and you can’t get rid of it.

“They’re trucking in water and chemicals and even before the drilling starts, they’ve have made a mess of the land.  There’s nobody to inspect the environmental impact of the roads, nobody to measure the air quality from all the trucks.

“When a drilling site gets a permit, it’s like a death warrant has been signed.

“They say it’s safe, but how safe?  Safe for whom?  Wildlife?  The people who live nearby?”

Baker, Montana keeps wondering.

Lies keep spreading.